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We are currently in Freeport

  • We're exploring the sewers at the moment.
  • We murdered some Carrion Crawlers and found a backpack with notes in it next to a scortched area (which had a Carrion corpose in the center of it)
  • We split up the loot and dig through the notes
    • One is a fireball scroll, already spent
    • One is a list of book titles, most have been striken through and two have checkmarks
      • The two checkmarks are the books we've been asked to find
    • One is a map of Freeport and it's surroundings
      • Details a location to the east labelled Rythnax
    • Unsigned note that reads ""Ellison, Once you have secured what you can to aid us in our search, meet with Rythnax in the marsh east of the city, along the Phlan Path. Slay any that discover your work. Do not fail us again."
  • We contiune down the tunnel and end up outside near the ocean
  • We travel a short way and mak camp for the night
    • Our rest is interrupted by 4 bandits

      Dressed in the churches army armour, wearing arm bands but we couldn't tell the colour or if there were any symbols on them

      • We killed two, the other two ran off, Dunowhere hit himself really hard in the foot and then grappled his dick instead of one of the bandits
  • We contiune on and make it to a swamp
    • There is a man by a camp fire with what appears to be a small dragon at it's feet. The man is injured.
    • The dragon screams something out in Draconic
      • Peck relays to us via images via Terry "FEAR"
    • We think this is the guy from the sewar (Ellison)
      • We ask him about the murder of Garda GreenleafHe says he was only doing his job.
      • The dragon (black) and Ellison have a brief discussion
      • We identify the dragon as Rythnax
      • Rythnax talks some mad yang and keeps thanking us for doing the Red Hands work
      • Rythnax has the missing pages we've been hunting down. He says he will be taking them to the Red Hand
      • Says we had all of the anwsers in front of us "what with the mothers not returning"
      • Before we can extract any useful information out of him Pope attacks
        • First attack Rythnax makes knocks Pope face down in the mud
        • Two Lizardmen burst out of a cave behind Rythnax and attack as well
        • Second attack Rythnax makes kills Pope. Added bonus he friendly fired and killed a Lizardman
        • FiZi heals Pope and gets him back up
        • FiZi is attacked by BEEEEEEEEEEES out of no where
        • FiZi kills the other Lizardman
        • Darkness is cast around the Rythnax (we're fucked)
        • Rythnax jumps out of the darkness and attacks Terry, critical fails and falls over
        • Rythnax summons the BEEEEEEEEEEES and kills Dunowhere but Dunowhere can't be taken down, rolls a 20 and gets right the fuck back up like a man (IE: not Pope)
        • Rythnax gets back up, flys over to Terry and breathes acid on him. Terry dies.
        • Pope, against all odds, kills Rythnax
        • Dragon fucking ensues
    • We head over to Ellison to ask him some questions