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We are in Freeport drinking at the Belching Beaver

  • Freeport is under martial law
    • Previous leader of town fell ill
  • The Red Claw have the same information as us and are likely heading to Luketown as well
    • We don't know if they are going after Lillian
    • Terry remembered some information the Dragon gave us
  • The group does some shopping in Freeport before heading out
  • We made it out of Freeport with out randomly murdering anyone and headed for Freeport
  • Uneventful first night on the road
  • During our travels we reminisce about Pope (who died) and Retards fire cock, FiZi drinks one of his fine wines
  • The weather takes a turn and we make camp
    • During first watch Terry thinks he hears something but nothing comes of it
    • Second watch is uneventful, weather stays shitty
  • Terry sends out Peck to do some scouting
    • We find out we're nearing out destination and things seem deserted but it could just be the shitty weather
  • Terry and Retard show off their shit to each other while FiZi heads off to do something useful and scout the town solo
    • Terry sends Peck with FiZi so recon information can be relayed nearly real time (TACTICS)
    • FiZi finds people leaving their homes and notices some strange behavior and dress for the local villagers
      • FiZi can't tell what's going on
      • Terry can't either
      • FiZi tries to interact with one of the villagers who is walking backwards
        • There is a wedding going on in Lukestown
        • Marcus is getting married (again) according to the villager
        • Villager recommends leaving town, says the weddings are more like wakes than weddings
        • Anytime Marcus gets married the bride dies on the alter
        • Turns out the villagers are all acting strange out of superstition
        • FiZi asks about a Lillian, villager unable to help
    • We get back together and head over to the wedding
  • At the wedding
    • Marcus is yelling at someone named Felderman swearing things will be different this time
    • Felderman is trying to talk Marcus out of it
    • Retard tries to convince the group to stop the wedding
    • Terry tries to convince Retard else wise by lying to him about having a gig at the wedding and needing to get paid
      • It doesn't seem to work
    • Marcus and Felderman start getting louder and louder
    • "and then suddenly........ and then suddenly...... Ghouls (6) emerge from the ground" (literally)
      • Terry formulates a plan to try and convince the bride to marry him
        • Retard sets him straight by reminding him about his IRL life choices
      • We destroy the first Ghoul with out breaking a sweat
      • The Ghouls go after the crowd but suck hard
      • We wreak the second Ghoul
      • A Ghoul takes out a woman from the crowed
        • Terry calls dibs on the gown from the dead woman
      • A Ghoul lands a hit on Snowrunner, he shrugs it off like a man
        • Retard crits the next nearest Ghoul and sends it right back to the containment unit
      • Terry crit fails trying to cast a spell on a Ghoul near him
      • Snowrunner kills the Ghoul he's engaged with
      • FiZi hits the nearest Ghoul and lightly annoys him with an arrow hit
      • Ghoul misses Snowrunner
      • Ghoul misses FiZi
      • Terry crit fails again trying to cast a spell on a Ghoul near FiZi and Retard
      • Snowrunner gives his Ghoul a hard whack and it keeps coming (we think this is the leader Ghoul)
        • Snowrunner is immune to Ghoul aids
      • FiZi deftly moves away from the Ghoul next to him and puts an arrow into him
      • Ghoul swings at Retard and hits
        • Retard avoids getting Ghoul aids
      • Boss Ghoul swings at Snowrunner and misses
      • Ghoul moves away from Snowrunner and dodges the AOO
      • Retard crushes the Ghoul next to him
      • Terry crit fails AGAIN trying to cast a spell
      • Snowrunner swings at Boss Ghoul and connects
      • FiZi fires and lands a solid hit on Boss Ghoul
      • Boss Ghoul heads back for Snowrunner and connects
        • Snowrunner avoids Ghoul aids but takes some damage
      • Retard charges Boss Ghoul and hits for like max damage and wipes out Boss Ghoul
    • Felderman starts giving Marcus shit for the ONE person who died
    • Felderman thanks us for saving everyone
    • Terry starts questioning Felderman
      • What's up with the weddings, how many times?
        • This was wedding #6
      • How often does this happen?
        • Every so often, maybe I'll tell you the story over a pint after they clean up
      • Where is the tavern
        • We're given directions
      • Do you know a Lillian
        • He knows her and says she has much to do with this story
    • We head over to the Inn, get some drinks and food
      • Felderman, who turns out to be the mayor, joins us
      • We start talking about how we heard about Lillian, Felderman is surprise someone from Freeport knows her
      • Lillian hasn't been around for 30-40 years
      • Lillian was a Witch who studied all the bad stuff
      • Lillian's fiance was/is Marcus
      • We find out Marcus is like 80
      • Retard figures out the curse all on his own (we think he read Jack's Wiki)
        • It turns out Lillian cursed Marcus to never be able to wed. She wished for love eternal and crafted magical rings to seal the deal. She ended up dying in her experiments.
        • Marcus fell in love with Alice while Lillian was working and Lillian cursed/killed them
        • Retard says some sexist stuff about Marcus at this point
        • Turns out women just fall in love with Marcus and cannot be convinced otherwise
        • This has been going on for years
        • The Ghouls were new. Never happened before. Just for us apparently.
        • Felderman thinks NOW is the time that something be done about this curse. QUEST TIME!!
        • Terry finds out where Lillian lived and worked
          • Up on the hill north of town, villagers stay away from it
        • Retard asks where Marcus is
          • The cages near the town hall
        • Terry asks if they've ever tried to lockup Marcus before
          • This is the first time
          • We might have a ticking clock
        • FiZi says something snarky to Felderman that is ultimately pointless to the story
        • We offer to help the town with their problem but we want access to Marcus and Lillian's house... and a reward
          • Felderman is non-committal about the reward but wants the help
        • Terry asks for more details on Lillian's research
          • He doesn't know more than what he told us about the rings
        • Terry smells philosophers stones and wants to investigate
        • Retard asks where the bride is
          • She'll be kept safe at the town hall
      • We head over to the town hall to question Marcus
        • We ask him about Lillian
          • He tells us she is dead (duh) and provides no more useful information
        • Terry tries to prod more out of Marcus by describing what her research was about and asks if Marcus knew anything about it
          • He knows nothing
        • Retard asks in the most polite way possible of Marcus had been unfaithful to Lillian
          • He either lied or didn't cheat on Lillian
          • He references an accident in the lab causing them to no longer be together
          • Says he came home one day and found her dead, shriveled and blackened in the lab
            • No burn marks
            • He says her spirit lingered and he visited her for a time
            • He visited her spirit in the mausoleum where she was buried
            • Snowrunner has a theory that if we get rid of Lillian Marcus will die as well
            • Marcus can't remember the last time he saw Lillian
            • Marcus only ever saw her at the mausoleum and she was always there waiting for her
          • Terry wants to talk to the bride (Keylie)
            • Retard says something charming about Keylie
            • Terry asks if Keylie every talked to Lillian
              • She says no and thinks Terry is crazy