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Crafting PoisonsPotions

Discovering a Potion

Thanks to your expertise in all things alchemical, you may attempt to discover a potion recipe. To do so, you must spend a workweek of downtime studying the materials you have collected and Potionsmake an Intelligence (Alchemist's Supplies) skill check. The DC of this check is 15 plus a modifier based on the potion rarity. See the Alchemy table. You may specify a particular sort of potion if desired. If you are attempting to recreate a potion you have previously used or currently have access to, you make your alchemist's tools skill check with a +2 modifier. If you are not attempting to create a particular potion, the DM will choose a potion appropriate for the materials you have on hand.

Materials are not consumed by this sort of research.

When you discover a potion, you learn the number and type of essences required to craft it. Each potion requires a number of essences depending on its rarity, and each potion has specific core essences that must be included when crafting it. See the Alchemy table and your Potion Recipes table for details.

Crafting a Potion

Once discovered, you can craft a potion at will. In order to do so, you must spend time, gold and a number of essences according to the Alchemy table. Each potion requires at least one of the essences used to craft it be a core essence (potions and their core essences will be listed in your Potion Recipes table). The core essence you use to craft a potion must be of a rarity equal to or greater than the rarity of the potion you are crafting. For example, if you are attempting to craft a Potion of Healing (core essences Blood and Flesh), you must provide either a blood or flesh essence of at least common rarity. The number of essences a potion requires is based on the rarity of the potion and is described in the Alchemy table in the Num Essences column.

Harvesting Essences

If you are proficient with Alchemist's Supplies, you may attempt to harvest essences from creatures. To do so, make an Intelligence (Alchemist's Supplies) skill check against a DC equal to 8 + the CR of the creature. If you succeed, you collect an essence from the creature (the type of essence can be selected and is subject to DM discretion). If your roll exceeds the DC by 5 or more, you collect 1d4 essences instead.

Alchemy Table

Item RarityDiscover DC ModCR RangeCrafting TimeCostNum Essences
Common01-31 day (or long rest)25gp1
Uncommon24-51 workday100gp2
Rare56-91 workweeks500gp3
Very Rare710-142 workweeks750gp4
Legendary915+3 workweeks1,000gp5